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Effective solutions that align capital with impact incentives

Roots of Impact is the expert and enabler for Impact-Linked Finance. As a pioneer in this field, we believe in aligning capital with incentives to drive change for people and the planet. Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs to unlock their full impact potential by managing Impact-Linked Funds, providing advisory and education to catalytic funders and investors, and enabling practitioners across the globe to use Impact-Linked Finance effectively. FIND OUT WHY IMPACT-LINKED FINANCE or join our upcoming IMPACT-LINKED FINANCE COMMUNITY HUB

We mobilize private investment for sustainable development

Our team is specialized in all aspects of innovative and blended finance. We specifically focus on creating tangible impact by tying capital directly to positive outcomes and by working with public funders, philanthropists and impact investors across the globe to finance private sector innovations and enterprises with strong potential for impact. Our role is to design and implement innovative solutions that make smart use of catalytic capital, optimize sustainable development impact and mobilize much-needed private investment. LEARN MORE ABOUT WHAT WE DO!

We place impact at the core

We consider impact assessment imperative to understanding when exactly blended and innovative finance solutions are needed and how they can be optimized. To embed impact at the core of finance, we design and implement funding and investment solutions that fairly balance risks and returns and provide impact-aligned incentives. Read about SOCIAL IMPACT INCENTIVES (SIINC) and IMPACT-LINKED FINANCE

We engage in education

As a field builder, we are passionate about providing cutting-edge research and education to support more effective impact finance. This is why we kicked off the Initiative for Blended Finance at the University of Zurich (IBF) and run the Social Finance Academy (SFA). The goal of SFA is to empower impact entrepreneurs to access finance and professionalize their impact management. The IBF strives to be a global competence center for the practical and effective application of blended and innovative finance. Find out more about THE INITIATIVE FOR BLENDED FINANCE and the SOCIAL FINANCE ACADEMY

We learn and evolve

Eight years after introducing Social Impact Incentives (SIINC) and four years after defining the practice of Impact-Linked Finance (ILF), we have gathered solid evidence proving that ILF can live up to its promise of „better terms for better impact.“ Delve into our wealth of practical experience demonstrating that ILF is not a product but a structuring approach shifting the impact finance paradigm. DIVE INTO OUR ILF LEARNINGS

What is Impact-Linked Finance?

Together with BCG, we defined the practice of financial solutions for market-based organizations that directly link financial rewards to the achievements of positive social outcomes. GET MORE DETAILS

How do Social Impact Incentives work?

We created Social Impact Incentives (SIINC) as a funding instrument that rewards high-impact enterprises with premium payments for achieving social impact. LEARN MORE ABOUT SIINC IN PRACTICE

Who are the people behind Roots of Impact?

Our team combines passion for impact with expertise in venture capital, corporate finance, development and innovative finance, public policy, social entrepreneurship and impact management.  MEET OUR TEAM

We work with great partners

We are working with many thought-leading and like-minded partners in our projects, programs and Impact-Linked Funds. Check out OUR MAIN COLLABORATIONS
